Lead Exercise Planner

  • Full Time
  • Nellis AFB, NV
  • This position has been filled

Locations: Nellis AFB, NV

Job Type: Full Time, government contract position. This is the perfect opportunity to translate military experience and skills. Veterans are strongly encouraged to apply!

Full Benefits Package Available

  • Salary- $118,000 – $126,000 (based on experience)

Clearance: Top Secret required at hiring, with SCI/SAP eligibility

The Advanced Training Lead Exercise Planner advises and assists Wing A-Staff members on exercise planning, requirements, resourcing, and articulation. They provide information and advocation on behalf of the Wing through the A-Staff to external partners and higher headquarters. Serves as the primary Exercise BAMBOO EAGLE liaison between the Wing units, external partners, and higher headquarters action officers (AOs), managers, directors, and commanders to include General Officers (GOs) and Senior Executive Service (SES) personnel. Coordinates, advises, and assists directly with the USAFWC’s, subordinate wings, and Air Combat Command’s (ACC) Exercise AGILE FLAG A-Staffs, Warfighter Integration Officers (WIOs), and lead planners for exercise Joint Event Life Cycle (JELC) development, task directives, TASKORD development and dissemination, exercise scenario development, and other pertinent exercise direction.


  • 5 years minimum experience planning and executing large force exercises; Previous USAF rated, or joint service aviation equivalent, field grade officer desired (HD)
  • 5 combined years’ experience working with AOD, ATO, ACO and SPINS and/or NAF/HAF/COCOM staff experience (A3, A5, A7 – HD); INDOPACOM / PACAF or joint service theater equivalent experience (HD)
  • 3 years total experience working with operational level Air Power Command and Control Systems (US or allied); a
  • minimum of 2 years’ experience working with TBMCS and/or KRADOS applications (HD)
  • Participation in a minimum of 3 AOC exercises or large-scale AOC experiments or Joint training events employing over 250 simulated airpower sorties per day.
  • Experience as a virtual exercise designer/planner/director (HD).
  • 2 years’ experience in ACE-related development, exercises, and/or employment. Experience with AGILE FLAG (HD). Experience with Pacific-based ACE exercises (HD)
  • NAF-level experience required; AFFOR, MAJCOM Staff experience desired. Previous USAF rated, or joint service aviation equivalent, field grade officer preferred.



  • In-depth understanding of current airpower capabilities, doctrine and TTPs. In-depth understanding on building and supporting cross-domain teams and development of OPTs, OPGs, and/or APGs to accomplish exercise tasks. Understanding of the Joint Event Life Cycle phases and planning responsibilities. Understanding of the Master Scenario Event List (MSEL) process. Familiarity with joint and coalition planning processes and requirements. Ability to work with action officers, exercise planning teams, joint and coalition planners, General Officers and SES personnel, and others to ensure the effective application of joint and coalition air, space, and cyberspace operations.
  • Understanding of AOD and ATO, form, functions and planning methodology with emphasis on the development of AOD, MAAP, ATO, SPINS, ACO and the ATO/ACO change processes. Demonstrated ability to conduct a Combat Ops change-over briefing. Familiarity of COMAFFOR roles and responsibilities, OPT/OPG/APG processes and procedures. Familiarity with A-Staff directorate roles and responsibilities and application to Major Combat Operations (MCO).
  • In-depth knowledge of TBMCS planning and execution applications with emphasis on C2PC, JADOCS, ESTAT and mIRC; or NATO equivalent tools for operational mission monitoring, assessment, and coordination. Familiarity with COP, RAAP and TAAP applications. Familiarity with airspace planning and deconfliction applications. Familiarity with Air Force, joint and combined surveillance and command and control systems and capabilities. Familiarity with Data Link theory and current practice. Familiarity with emerging AOC systems such as KRADOS applications, C2IMERA, and MAVEN. Familiarity with systems coordinating mobility operations to include Mobility Task Force (MTF).
  • Knowledge of LFE/AOC exercises and exercise constructs including Live, Virtual, Constructive and combinations. Knowledge of MSEL processes. Familiarity with DMOC, DMON, JTTC, AWSIM, and PTT for the doctrinally correct presentation of airpower.
  • Understanding of Agile Combat Employment processes, procedures, and TTPs; Familiarity with ACC’s Lead Wing (LW) and DAF’s Expeditionary Air Base (XAB), Air Task Force (ATF), and/or Deployed Combat Wing (DCW) constructs and applications to MCO. Knowledge of emerging ACE-based systems (i.e. C2IMERA).


Education: Bachelor’s degree is required, with Master’s degree preferred


Duties & Skills needed:

  • Formulate and articulate Wing planning and execution timelines, processes, procedures, and plans for BAMBOO EAGLE.
  • Manage planning actions and interface with multiple squadron action officers (AOs) to meet USAFWC exercise task suspense’s for Exercise BAMBOO EAGLE.
  • Develop and manage planning and execution teams across squadrons and outstations to accomplish USAFWC exercise task and requirements for Exercise BAMBOO EAGLE.
  • Manage Battle Management and C2 (BMC2) Large Force Exercise planning and execution activities for Exercise BAMBOO EAGLE across the 505 CCW, to include the following outputs:
  • Establishment of scenario command relationships (COMREL).
  • Establishment of operational and tactical Command and Control (C2) architecture environment, and participants.
  • Establishment of Air Mobility C2 in conjunction with Air Mobility Command (AMC) and 618th Air Operations Center (AOC), ensuring full integration of Mobility Air Forces (MAF) into the scenario to exercise Combat Air Forces (CAF) and MAF integration through current ACE concepts.
  • Establishment of link and communications architecture and associated required equipment.
  • Establishment of Live, Virtual and Constructive (LVC) environments and connections.
  • Facilitate and adjudicate the development, production, compilation, and delivery of Concept of Operations (CONOPs) Interim Progress Review (IPR) briefings in accordance with published USAFWC timelines and suspense’s.
  • Observe and provide planning support as required to other major exercises (e.g., REFORPAC, Storm Flag, Mobility Guardian, Valiant Shield, RIMPAC, Northern Edge, Blue Flag, Red Flag, Virtual Flag) to inform and enhance BAMBOO EAGLE and associated USAFWC exercises.
  • Adequately articulate 505 CCW and exercise partner’s mission and communication requirements for funding and resource allocations.
  • Coordinate, develop, and maintain AFFOR and AOC Operational C2 manning rosters on behalf of the units of the 505 CCW to provide support for planning and execution.
  • Adequately articulate and advocate for required support from external agencies to provide operational C2 positional support for exercise required pre-execution training for exercise participants.
  • Coordinate with 505 CCW units to determine and develop required pre-execution training for exercise participants and develop training plans for execution.
  • Facilitate, provide input, and track the creation, modification, and publication of strategic, operational, and tactical documents required for planning and execution. All documents shall be supported by a Knowledge Management (KM) plan.
  • In conjunction with individual squadron representatives, manage Wing personnel rosters, and transportation and bed-down plans for BAMBOO EAGLE exercise planning conferences, risk reduction events, and execution to include air transportation, lodging, and rental vehicles.
  • Seek and execute additional opportunities to expand personal and Wing knowledge on emerging C2 systems and INDOPACOM and PACAF planning and execution processes, procedures, and publications to inform exercise plans.
  • Coordinate with 505 CCW Weapons and Tactics and Lessons Learned personnel to ensure an expansive lesson learned collection plan is developed for pre-exercise planning, exercise collection, and post-exercise debrief and adjudication. Continue to assist and advise with a comprehensive post-exercise lessons learned after action report and review board to capture high level observations for the Operational C2 enterprise.
  • Coordinate with 505 CCW units to create a comprehensive execution after action report identifying internal lessons learned and observations to apply to future exercise execution.
  • Develop and maintain Exercise BAMBOO EAGLE continuity books, both hard and soft copies, to help prepare inbound executors and operators on 505 CCW requirements. This includes development and maintenance of exercise document storage from previous iterations in line with a comprehensive exercise KM plan.
  • Coordinate with Wing units and external partners to collect, create, and track observations and present/track the status of findings during risk reduction events.



GCI is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or national origin.  GCI gives preferential treatment to veterans.



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